What is this?


  • The goal of Parishes for life is to support in parishes, working groups pro-life
    • The purpose is to create teams they are:
      • Leader and witnesses for all the society of the true respect of life and people inherent dignity in the light of the Gospel.
      • Strongly against the culture of death.
      • Source of mercy where those in need, can feel welcomed and guided , especially during conversion processes and healing.
    • All parishes that want to have a group PxV will be supported with all the necessary tools and support through material provided monthly:
      • Working topics developed by experts on life and human dignity. Containing subjects like dignity of the person and the moral relativist culture of death in all its forms.  Always in the light of the Gospel and the Magisterium of the Church.
      • News and other resources to carry out activities in the parishes.
      • Resources for prayer for life.
    • These are complemented by an informative online training.